Businesses that promote employee health, like the more than 200 CEO Cancer Gold Standard™ accredited employers, are being urged to support public health beyond their own employees by a new report prepared by the Johns Hopkins Institute for Health and Productivity Studies (IHPS).

Recommendations from the report, Seven Ways Businesses Can Align with Public Health for Bold Action and Innovation, offer strategies to end and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure America is better prepared to address future public health crises.

“A large-scale effort to address our public health vulnerabilities will require business and public health leaders, as well as policymakers, to join forces in support of healthier employees and communities—the key to a more resilient workforce and a strong economy,” said Ron Goetzel, PhD, Director of IHPS and a member of the Gold Standard Steering Committee.

These are the seven recommendations in the report funded by the de Beaumont Foundation for business leaders. They are:

  • “Put out the fire” of COVID-19 by following advice of credible public health experts.
  • Improve the health and well-being of employees.
  • Promote healthy communities.
  • Become a “force Multiplier” by leveraging expertise, staff, and other resources to collaborate with local and state public health departments to be better prepared for future public health emergencies.
  • Actively facilitate public-private partnerships in the community.
  • Advocate for development of accountability dashboards that track and monitor progress toward achieving key economic and public health outcomes in a community.
  • Advocate for rebuilding and expanding a national public health workforce supported by a modern information technology infrastructure.

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