David Shepperly, MD, MHS, FACOEM, Head of Employee Health and Fitness at Bristol-Myers Squibb, invited fellow Gold Standard Task Force Member Ann Skye, BSN, MPH, Associate Director, Employee Health Management for IQVIA, to present an overview of the Gold Standard to the ORCHSE Strategies summer meeting of the Corporate Health Directors Network in Washington, DC.

Ann’s overview of the unique global approach to wellness in the workplace using the framework of the CEO Cancer Gold Standard was well received. The presentation prompted a productive discussion and garnered interest in the program from meeting participants. We thank Ann and Dave for their efforts to expand the reach and impact of the Gold Standard!

ORC HSE is a membership based global HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) networking and service firm that has been connecting HSE thought leaders across the globe for more than 45 years. The Corporate Health Directors Network serves corporate leaders with primary responsibility for occupational health program management, drawing members from the most innovative multinational Fortune 500 companies. 

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