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Immune-Related Adverse Events

Cancer immunotherapy could be the path to win the War on Cancer. How do we ensure no patient is left behind?

Immunotherapies, such as immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), represent significant hope for cancer patients. Oncologists are administering novel combinations of immunotherapies in addition to combining them with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy and surgery, in efforts to explore every potential treatment that may improve patient outcomes. All cancer therapies have the potential for side effects, but the mechanism of action behind immunotherapies poses additional risks for severe toxicity and consequent inflammatory side effects known as immune-related adverse events (irAEs). Although uncommon, irAEs can cause significant patient morbidity and may even be fatal. In fact, a patient who dies from an irAE can be cancer-free at the time of death! Our mission at Project Data Sphere is to improve the clinical management and prevent the occurrence of these serious Adverse Events.

Project Data Sphere’s immune-related Adverse Events research program kicked off in 2019 at the 7th FDA-PDS Symposium focused on immune-related Adverse Events and Checkpoint Blockade Combination Therapies.

The Project Data Sphere irAE research program:

  • Collaborates with leading academic centers to improve the diagnosis, management, and prevention of all immune-related Adverse Events
  • Utilizes real world clinical evidence to conduct translational research projects that will unearth prognostic biomarkers for serious irAEs

Area of Focus: Dermatologic Immune-Related Adverse Events

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Area of Focus: Neurologic Immune-Related Adverse Events

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