Data within the Project Data Sphere cancer research platform is available at two levels.  All visitors to, regardless of whether they have registered to be authorized users, are able to search for data sets of interest based upon a variety of filters (e.g., data provider, tumor type, etc.) or via free-text search terms.  The information available, at this level, from these data sets includes descriptive information regarding the data set itself such as a summary of the study, the study title, description, type of data available (comparator, active treatment, or both), etc.

Authorized users additionally have access to the data set content, including the study protocol, annotated Case Report Form, data dictionary, and the patient-level data itself.  The documents associated with each data set can be viewed directly through the platform application, and all data sets can be viewed and analyzed using the embedded platform analytical tools. In most cases, and based upon the requirements of the data provider, the patient-level data sets can be downloaded for review and investigation within the authorized user’s preferred analytical environment.

Authorized users seeking access to data sets provided to the Project Data Sphere cancer research platform via integration with the NCTN/NCORP Data Archive must, per NCI’s required business processes, complete an additional authorization process before data sets and supporting content can be accessed.  This authorization process is directly available within the Project Data Sphere cancer research platform.