More than eighty executives from more than thirty companies, more than ten hospitals and NGOs and nearly twenty government officials, including His Excellency Yupeng ZHOU, Former Vice Mayor of Shanghai, President of Shanghai Services Federation; Prof. Yu WANG, Director General, China CDC and Dr. Jinglei WU, Director General, Shanghai Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, convened in the Four Seasons Hall, of the Xijiao State Guest Hotel on April 19, 2017 for CEO Roundtable on Cancer-China IV.

Prof. ZHAO Guoping, Chief Scientist of the Shanghai Health Academy Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) co-hosted the meeting, a highlight of which was the announcement of a Memorandum of Understanding between the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology and the CEO Roundtable on Cancer to align respective Big Data initiatives to facilitate overall global health research.

Dr. WANG Zefeng, Director of CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, said of the collaboration between the CEO Roundtable and Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, CAS, “It’s time for us to use the data we already have to make some differences in the world. Data and science changes fast nowadays and changes our ways of thinking…I believe PDS will be the future of open access data-sharing.” Following his keynote address, CEO Roundtable on Cancer Chairman, Robert A. Bradway, participated in a signing ceremony with Prof. WANG Zefeng.

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